
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
iSolutions provides records management support to the CBP DC Procurement Office through the maintenance of a centralized file room used for the secure storage of contract files.

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
iSolutions supported development, operations and maintenance of the DOD EMALL government ecommerce system, a web-enabled database application built on Java and Oracle platforms.

Department of Labor (DOL)
iSolutions provided cradle-to-grave complex acquisition support services via senior level experienced contract professionals with DAWIA Level II & III certifications.

Social Security Administration (SSA)
iSolutions performed modernization and migration of legacy Lotus Notes applications to the new WebSphere-based enterprise application platform.

Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
iSolutions provides system administration, systems provisioning, mission kitting, and asset management. This includes service desk support, ticket management and response, scheduling, and provisioning of equipment.

DC Water
iSolutions managed the development and implementation of DC Water assets and inventory mapping through the utilization of GIS software and technology.